What is adenohypophysis? Which hormones are secreted by the hormones of adenohypophysis?
(1) The adenohypophysis is the large anterior lobe of the pituitary
(2) It is derived from the embryonic epidermis in the form of rather A sac is a small growth from the roof of the embryo Stomodeum
(3) It is composed of epithelioid secretory cells.
(4) It secretes the following hormones:
(i) GH : [Growth Hormone / STH: Somatotropic Hormone]
(ii) TSH/TTH – [Thyroid Stimulating Hormone / Thyrotropic
(iii) ACTH – [adrenocorticotropic hormone]
(iv) PRL - [prolactin]
(v) Gonadotropin –
(a) FSH [Follicle Stimulating Hormone]
(b) LH/ICSH – [Lutenizing hormone / interstitial cells
stimulating hormone].